Sunday, November 8, 2009

Governor Rick Perry at it Again

Although I have long since been convinced that Governor Perry is only out for himself, and not the people of Texas, this piece at the Austin American Statesman simply reinforces my belief. Written by Boyd Richie, Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, he talks about Perry's tendency to sweep issues under the rug rather than deal with them. This is something that is most certainly aimed at all Texans, but ultimately the tone of the article focuses on the feelings of local Democrats. He points out a recent event, that could loosely be described as obstruction of justice, in which Governor Perry replaced three Texas Forensic Science Commission investigators looking into the possibility that an innocent man was condemned to death under Perry's watch. This came only several days before the investigation, and caused the investigation to be postponed indefinitely. Richie holds Gov. Perry in much the same regard I do, judging by his tone in the article, and to reinforce his notion of Perry, Richie also brings up similar issues in which Perry turned a blind eye or avoided the topic in order to further his own political career. These other issues, one a child sexual abuse scandal and the other abuse of mentally-handicapped persons in a state school, are ones that should not have been taken lightly, but were largely ignored and never really pinned to the Governor. Richie is just pointing out the white elephant in the room, but thanks to the ignorance of his constituents and his ability to make problems disappear, he got himself and his cronies back into office.

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