Sunday, November 1, 2009

Religion sneaking into schools...again.

While this story has been reported through several media outlets, this one at ABC News seems to be, at least somewhat, unbiased. This is a fundamental issue here in Texas, but seemingly nowhere else. The powerful religious-right, and the appointment by Governor Rick Perry of a conservative Creationism-loving woman to be the chairperson of the Board of Education, Gail Lowe, are again seeking to find a way to include fundamentalist Christian propaganda into our textbooks. They failed at getting Creationism into science textbooks (mostly because of its inability to actually be tested by the scientific method, making it pseudo-science at best), and are now attempting to finagle it into Social Studies texts to show students that the Founding Fathers and framers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were Christians that put God into these documents for a reason. If any of these half-educated persons would find themselves reading the personal rantings of Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson, they would find Jefferson to be nothing more than a Deist, and Franklin an atheist with a quick enough wit and capable social aptitude for espousing the right terms and playing on his audience's tastes (profoundly affected by their religions) to achieve his desired outcome. (not to mention his penchant for expensive personal escorts, fine wine, and adultery) Nonetheless, this is a very heated issue, and a very important topic for all Texans. This is a very sensitive issue for someone like me who holds Anthropology very dear, and my wife who is a middle-school science teacher. Enjoy the read, and please feel free to leave comments.

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