Monday, November 16, 2009

This guy is NUTS!

  So I'm all for freedom of speech and the press, (among others: the guarantee to the right to have a militia and keep and bear arms, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, due process and a trial by jury, but most uneducated and ignorant right wing nut-jobs couldn't repeat that list if they tried) but it never ceases to amaze me how the overwhelming majority of Tea Party loving, NRA card-carrying, GOP devotees perpetuate lies about President Obama moving the U.S. towards Socialism (which most of them don't even know the DEFINITION of Socialism or what it implies), and that their movement is to protect the embodiment that is America and the institution of Democracy as it should "rightly" be...literally. Please reference these two posts: here and here, on the North Texas Conservative blog. First, please allow me to address one very significant issue I have with this blogger, and many other conservative bloggers and ranters: your grammar is atrocious. Please, if you have time (surely you must have SOME free time after church on Sundays), reference a dictionary and an MLA guide. If you ever intend to legitimately support your viewpoint, and the viewpoint of your political party, please establish at least a somewhat firm grasp on the English language. Second, stop watching Glenn Beck. Not only is he as uneducated as your average GOP member, but if Republicans on a whole were aware that he was a Mormon (who used to be a raging alcoholic and a marijuana user, oh my), I think his success would be comparable to that of Mitt Romney's bid for the President of the United States. Although it also isn't fair for me to compare Mitt Romney to the likes of Glenn Beck, as Romney is sharp and well-educated.
  To return to the issue at hand, The North Texas Conservative, we look at the product of misinformation and the media machine that is the Republican Party. The blogger references Governor Rick Perry visiting the Midland Republican Women's weekly meeting where the Governor says that the Obama administration is leading the country towards socialism. He does this through yet another example of terrible grammar, and doesn't even have a direct or indirect citation for this reference. He also states that President Obama is overstepping his constitutional boundaries, yet again without citation or reference. I don't think he realizes, or the vast majority of Republicans for that matter, that President Obama was the President of the Harvard Law Review and taught U.S. Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. I'd say this would certainly provide good support that President Obama supports AND understands the United States Constitution, which is something that could not be said about the previous U.S. President.

  Lastly, the further you read into these blogs, the more you realize just how misinformed the blogger really is. He references a lack of transparency that was initially promised by this administration, and how the proceedings are occurring behind closed doors and not on "CNN" as promised. It is C-SPAN, and please learn a little bit more about what you plan to verbally assault before you continue to make yourself look bad, Shawn M. Griffiths.

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